Hey Everyone:
What a day! As the week comes to an end, we are tired but excited about the doors the Lord has opened for us. Barry and I met with a group who may end up being our core group for Redemption. It was a great meeting and we are looking to have another one next month because there were several couples who could not make it tonight. A lot of church plants struggle to get a core group, yet it seems the Lord is dropping one into our laps!
The team finished up surveying tonight. As part of the surveying, the teams have been getting prayer requests from the people they meet. We have written cards for the people we have prayed for to let them know that we have prayed for them. We will go and deliver the cards tomorrow evening to wrap up the weeks ministry.
Let me thank everyone for your encouraging comments and for all of the prayers. It has been a great trip. Tomorrow evening we will pack up and head to the airport. We will arrive in Memphis Saturday morning. We have had a great week, but we are excited to get home!